Sunday, January 15, 2012

A Day at Gulf Breeze Zoo

Sunday, January 15, 2012.
I have been out and about the past several days searching for all things outdoors to photograph. On Saturday I stopped by Navarre Park and found an extreme low tide and literally 3 birds that seemed to be stuck in place. I didn't wander out since there really was nothing to shoot.

I decided that I hadn't been to the Gulf Breeze Zoo in quite some time and maybe it would be worth checking out. Last fall the new owners had been making headway at improving and expanding the zoo and after yesterday's visit, it appears they are doing a pretty good job.

 They have an expanded farm-type children's area, but even I found the llamas and water buffalo quite charming and amusing.

All the semi-domestic animals could be hand fed and were quite amiable, albeit the llamas took offense if they thought a patron was holding out on the feed and tended to spit at a few of the fathers in family groups.

I found it interesting that they have a lot of pretty chickens running freely throughout the zoo. I know from my own farms that they are great for cleaning up everything from spills to manure so maybe they are part of the maintenance team.

The zoo has three giraffes now. I was saddened when they inexplicably lost one a while back.

Again patrons are allowed to freely feed these big blue tongued creatures. It really is astounding to walk up and stand nearly next to them and see just how enormous they really are. My visions of being a zookeeper got a reality check.
One of the Chimpanzees on Chimp Island has taken over the role of viewer vs viewee. He parked himself on the grass at the end of his island and propped himself against a branch as if it was a pillow, and then proceeded to wave, smile, make faces and laugh at  the people on the upper boardwalk that thought they were there to watch him. It was absolutely hilarious!

They had a lot of new animals and the grounds were well kept. I even peaked at their hay and it received a big pass for clean and green. The only grievance I have is that nearly every animal is behind either chain link or tightly woven metal fencing - a photographer's nightmare. I got great shots of the tigers and panthers, but they have that grey stripping on them that takes forever in Photoshop to remove.

When I acquire some patience I will fix them....

All in all it was a very nice day. There were quite a few visitors even with the somewhat chilly temps. It didn't seem to faze the kids one bit.

                                   A few new critters that I did not remember from the past;

Muntjac Deer

A group of Scarlet Ibis in a new display area

A herd of Thompson's Gazelles
And finally, a few fun shots from the peanut gallery.....

But they have FOOD over there!! Let me out!

Ohhhh that feels sooo good!

It's pink and it's sticky. hmmmm...

Hoe- dee -doh-dee- doh!

Me Tarzan!

Finally a use for all those fallen pine cones!

A herd of Dama Gazelles

If you are in the neighborhood or have some out of town guests, a trip to the Gulf Breeze Zoo is fun for both young and old. Don't forget your camera!

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